Your Journey. Our Mission.
The University of the Incarnate Word (UIW), located in San Antonio, Texas, is committed to shaping good minds of strong character that will expand our region and our world. Inspired by Judeo-Christian values, the Catholic Intellectual Tradition and Catholic Social Teaching, UIW welcomes all persons of diverse backgrounds. Founded by the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, the University instills its core values of education, truth, faith, service and innovation in everyone that forms its community.
Discover the many ways UIW helps students achieve academic success and spiritual and personal growth.
Learn more about the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word
The University of the Incarnate Word was named a College of Distinction in 2023-2024.
Largest Catholic university in Texas
Student-to-faculty ratio
Estimated total hours of community service performed by the Spring 2022 graduating class.
Catholic Scholarship
First-time freshman students are automatically considered for academic scholarships as part of their application. These scholarships are awarded based on high school GPA.
Freshman Academic Scholarships range between $7,000 - $20,000 per year, and are renewable for up to four years.
UIW offers an additional $2,000 per year scholarship for any student graduating from a Catholic high school. No additional application required. Accepted students graduating from Catholic high schools will automatically receive the Catholic High School Scholarship.
Know Your Admissions Counselors
Religious Programs at UIW
Religious Studies Program
A major in Religious Studies is recommended both for students interested in religious education and/or church ministry, and for those wishing to augment their academic background in the area to support the liberal arts dimension of their chosen professional career (e.g., law, medical, business).
Pastoral Ministry Program
The church needs well-trained women and men to serve in parishes, chaplaincies and in other ministry roles. The Pastoral Institute and UIW have several programs that serve this need. For students considering a position in ministry, UIW offers quality education and preparation to serve in ministry.
Community Service
Students are required to complete 45 hours of community service in order to graduate. The Ettling Center for Civic Leadership and Sustainability (ECCLS) has been helping students connect with the community since 2013.
UIW Mission and Ministry
The purpose of the University Mission and Ministry is to make visible and tangible the Incarnate Word of God in the University. We do this by engaging university life through prayer, liturgy, outreach, faith development and pastoral care.
Prayer and Worship
UIW Mission and Ministry provides a number of resources to engage the faith lives of our students, including weekday noon Mass and Sunday Mass at 11 a.m. (in-person and live-streamed), devotional prayer, Lenten Stations of the Cross, Reconciliation, Taizé Contemplative Prayer as well as other ecumenical worship opportunities.

Sr. Walter Maher, CCVI
Vice President for UIW Mission and Ministry